Have Questions About Our Credit Repair Services? Find Answers To Most of Your Questions Here!
It typically takes 60-90 days to remove items from your credit report. When we initiate the process, they have time to respond. This is why it is not instant. If we do not hear from them after 3 weeks of submitting your file, we start the process again. Keep in mind that by law, they must respond within 30 days.
If the credit bureaus have not contacted you and it’s been more than 30 days please send us an email letting us know. Due to COVID-19 response time is slower, but we will follow up and demand a response immediately. This is in compliance with Federal Law.
Yes we remove items from all 3 bureaus, but we charge you only per account not per bureau.
That is absolutely fine. We work alongside other credit repair companies if necessary and also after. It doesn’t have any negative effect on the client at all. In fact, in some cases it may help.
This is a huge issue with all of the bureaus. They report incorrect information all the time. They do not fact check before reporting and there are laws to protect you against that. That’s where we come in. We get those items off and help restore your credit.
Deleted items usually come back only after the creditor has sold the debt to a collection agency. Then that collection agency has the right to report that information to your credit report. However, they must operate under a strict set of laws. 95% of them don’t, and we get it off again!
If after 120 days the item does not come off any of the 3 credit bureaus, we will refund you for that item.
We can remove collection accounts, repos, foreclosures, credit cards, loans, charged-off debts, lines of credit, medical bills, child support, liens, judgements, and we can also take off credit inquiries.
Yes we can!
We can not delete individual late payments. If the account is something a client needs/wants removed, we can delete the entire account.
If items do belong to you, we can still remove them. The credit bureaus and creditors have the burden of proof . . . not you!
Tradelines are credit cards or loans that report to our credit report. Tradelines that belong to you directly boost your credit score.